Category Archives: Help Articles

Gmail’s new image proxy feature and quick work-around

As you have probably heard, Gmail has released a new feature called “Image Proxy”. Before digging into Oempro for a work-around, let me explain what this feature is all about.

When you send an HTML email to your recipients, images inside the email are not displayed to them by default. This is almost the same for all email clients and apps. Gmail displays “Show images inside the email” link on the top of the email and until the recipient clicks that link, images are not displayed. Continue reading

Introduction to Oempro plugin development

Oempro is a highly flexible, customisable email marketing software. It already comes with 99% source code open. But many of us hate touching the code for two reasons:

  1. Customizing the code may cause problems when upgrading the version
  2. and it may cause some bugs

Therefore, writing a plug-in is always a better way. Oempro includes a plug-in engine which lets you to integrate your own custom scripts and apps easily. Continue reading