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- Copy & Paste
- By Filling out Subscriber Form
- Add Subscribers using file upload
- Adding subscribers using external mysql database(s)
Importing Email Addresses to your list
Importing new email addresses and subscribers to your list is easy and straight forward. Oempro provides an easy step by step wizard to import email addresses using four major methods.
Oempro also allows you to map your custom fields when you import your data.
- In order to import new subscribers go to Lists
- Select the necessary list you want to import subscribers to
- Click on the Subscriber Action button and select Add Subscribers
- This will take you to a wizard and will ask you to choose the method of importing subscribers.
Below we have explained all four methods found in the import wizard.
Copy & Paste
This method is the simple most and requires only few minutes to import your subscribers, although when you are planning to import large amount of subscribers this method is not good enough and will be time consuming.
Step 1
- Enter email addresses
- Enter each email address on a new line. If you want to import more data related to the subscriber then add these fields with a comma or the field terminator you are using.
[email protected],Name,Surname
- Fields terminated by
- If you are going to import the subscribers having custom fields then you will need to define the field terminator - Oempro supports three terminators comma, semicolon, and tab.
- Fields enclosed by
You will need to select the character which will act as an enclosure for the field - for example field between single or double quotes.
If the data you are going to paste has the fields enclosed using single or double quotes you will have to select appropriate option
Step 2
- Click on the "Next" button to go to the step 2
- This will bring up the screen for mapping fields
- Match the subscriber fields
Here you will need to map the fields within your system with the import data fields. If you have custom fields within your mailing list they will be displayed in the drop down.
You should always map the email address field with the email address within import data.
There is an option to ignore certain fields as well if you do not wish to import them.
- Import Settings
If you are going to import new subscribers to the list always select "Don't add to suppression list" option.
If you are importing subscribers to suppression list global or list based then select the appropriate option
- Update subscriber information of duplicates with import data
- Enable this option so that when you import the data for the subscribers which are duplicate or subscribers already within the mailing list then their information will be updated with the new imported information.
- Do not send opt-in confirmation email, subscribe immediately
- If this option is ticked the system will not send the opt-in confirmation email and will just subscribe the subscriber immediately to the mailing list
- Trigger auto responders, subscription behaviors, web services and update statistics
- If you enable this option the system will trigger auto responders, subscription behaviors and web services actions related to the mailing list you are importing your subscribers to.
When you are done populating these options hit the "Next" button to complete the import. The result screen will give you the details about the import process completion.
By Filling out Subscriber Form
This method will allow you to subscribe a single subscriber by filling out the form.
- Email Address
Enter the email address of the subscriber you wish to subscribe.
Tick the necessary options based on your choice and go to the next step to import the subscriber.
Add Subscribers using file upload
- To add new subscribers using file upload go to "Lists"
- Click on the mailing list you wish to add new subscribers to
- The List Browser screen will have a dropdown menu called "Subscriber Actions"
- Select "Add Subscribers" from this drop down
This screen will help you choose the method you wish to use for adding new subscribers - for this chapter we will use the first method "File upload".
- Click on the "File Upload" method and this will take you to the wizard for the method.
- Select the file from your computer
- Click on the Choose file button and select the CSV or text file from your computer
- Fields terminated by
- If you are going to import the subscribers having custom fields then you will need to define the field terminator - Oempro supports three terminators comma, semicolon, and tab.
- Fields enclosed by
You will need to select the character which will act as an enclosure for the field - for example field between single or double quotes.
If the data you are going to paste has the fields enclosed using single or double quotes you will have to select appropriate option
Once you populate the fields - click on the "Next" button to go to the Step 2 of file upload method.
- Match the subscriber fields
Here you will need to map the fields within your system with the import data fields. If you have custom fields within your mailing list they will be displayed in the drop down.
You should always map the email address field with the email address within import data.
There is an option to ignore certain fields as well if you do not wish to import them.
- Import Settings
If you are going to import new subscribers to the list always select "Don't add to suppression list" option.
If you are importing subscribers to suppression list global or list based then select the appropriate option
- Update subscriber information of duplicates with import data
- Enable this option so that when you import the data for the subscribers which are duplicate or subscribers already within the mailing list then their information will be updated with the new imported information.
- Do not send opt-in confirmation email, subscribe immediately
- If this option is ticked the system will not send the opt-in confirmation email and will just subscribe the subscriber immediately to the mailing list
- Trigger auto responders, subscription behaviors, web services and update statistics
- If you enable this option the system will trigger auto responders, subscription behaviors and web services actions related to the mailing list you are importing your subscribers to.
Once the options are populated click on the "Next" button to proceed to the import results step. The result screen will give you the details about the import process completion.
Adding subscribers using external mysql database(s)
- To add new subscribers using external mysql database go to "Lists"
- Click on the mailing list you wish to add new subscribers to
- The List Browser screen will have a dropdown menu called "Subscriber Actions"
- Select "Add Subscribers" from this drop down
This screen will help you choose the method you wish to use for adding new subscribers - for this chapter we will use the first method "External MySQL Database".
- Click on the "External MySQL Database" method and this will take you to the wizard for the method.
Step 1
- Host Address
- Enter the host address for your external mysql database
- define the MySQL Port number in case if its not running on a standard port 3306
- enter the username for accessing the mysql database
- Enter the password
- Enter the name of the database
SQL Query
- Enter the SQL query in order to select the records from the database
- Click the "Next" button so that we can go to the step 2 for mapping fields.
Step 2
- Match the subscriber fields
Here you will need to map the fields within your system with the import data fields. If you have custom fields within your mailing list they will be displayed in the drop down.
You should always map the email address field with the email address within import data.
There is an option to ignore certain fields as well if you do not wish to import them.
- Import Settings
If you are going to import new subscribers to the list always select "Don't add to suppression list" option.
If you are importing subscribers to suppression list global or list based then select the appropriate option
- Update subscriber information of duplicates with import data
- Enable this option so that when you import the data for the subscribers which are duplicate or subscribers already within the mailing list then their information will be updated with the new imported information.
- Do not send opt-in confirmation email, subscribe immediately
- If this option is ticked the system will not send the opt-in confirmation email and will just subscribe the subscriber immediately to the mailing list
- Trigger auto responders, subscription behaviors, web services and update statistics
- If you enable this option the system will trigger auto responders, subscription behaviors and web services actions related to the mailing list you are importing your subscribers to.
Once the options are populated click on the "Next" button to proceed to the import results step. The result screen will give you the details about the import process completion.