This documentation has been deprecated. We are migrating Oempro help articles to our new help portal. Take a look at more detailed help articles on our new help portal.
- Change Log
- New Features
- Bug Fixes
- Changed Files List
Oempro v4.2.0 Release
Change Log
New Features
Bug Fixes
- [OEMPRO-1131] - Apostrophe in some entity names causes Javascript errors in subscriber browse screen
- [OEMPRO-1133] - Segment with subscribers who have opened at most zero times rule does not work
- [OEMPRO-1152] - Shorten List-Unsubscribe header
- [OEMPRO-1153] - Backward compatibality for 4.1.18 links (with base64 encoding)
Changed Files List
- A /data/form_styles/basic.css
- A /data/form_styles/earth.css
- A /data/form_styles/ocean.css
- A /data/form_styles
- A /templates/weefive/js/screens/user/listform.js
- A /templates/weefive/js/jquery.ui.formdrag.js
- M /data/attachments
- M /data/imports
- M /includes/frontend/controllers/admin/controller_overview.php
- M /includes/frontend/controllers/user/controller_list.php
- M /includes/system_plugins/plugin_subscriber_filter_rule_suppression.php
- M /includes/
- M /includes/api/
- M /includes/classes/
- M /includes/classes/
- M /includes/classes/
- M /includes/classes/
- M /includes/classes/
- M /track_link.php
- M /templates/weefive/styles/ui.css
- M /templates/weefive/languages/en/
- M /templates/weefive/desktop/user/list_forms.php
- M /templates/weefive/desktop/user/subscriber_browse.php
Changed file list compared to previous version.