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- Change Log
- New Features
- Improvements
- Bug Fixes
- Changed Files List
- Language File Changes
Oempro v4.2.4 Release
Change Log
New Features
- [OEMPRO-1254] - Added an option to config to enable/disable redirecting subscriber to a custom url upon unsubscription in list settings page
- [OEMPRO-1237] - Highrise integration for subscriber importing
- [OEMPRO-1286] - Display list names next to the email addresses found through global search in user area
- [OEMPRO-1267] - Raised transactional queue sending limit for each run
Bug Fixes
- [OEMPRO-1211] - After clicking on save on list synchronization section, form data is not correct.
- [OEMPRO-1224] - Call __toString magic method explicitly on sql classes to prevent issues with php version < 5.2.0
- [OEMPRO-1229] - Even if user does not have any credits, he can send emails on some situations
- [OEMPRO-1231] - Forward to friend note has \n at the beginning of the note
- [OEMPRO-1232] - Web browser link problem in forwarded email
- [OEMPRO-1235] - Sending a preview to multiple emails don't work if there are SPACES after commas
- [OEMPRO-1239] - Even a campaign's schedule removed, it is sent on some situations
- [OEMPRO-1241] - If you delete the wufoo form on wufoo website and then try to delete the integration on oempro side, an exception error occurs
- [OEMPRO-1242] - Date calculation for repeated campaigns does not work correct
- [OEMPRO-1247] - Default value for single line custom fields is not saved
- [OEMPRO-1250] - Some bounce detection rules are duplicated
- [OEMPRO-1256] - After testing phase finished in campaigns, winning email is not sent everytime
- [OEMPRO-1260] - It is not apparent which custom fields are required fields in subscriber edit form. Only the Email gets a required *
- [OEMPRO-1261] - Subscriber edit form does not save the previous input
- [OEMPRO-1262] - Subscriber edit form only shows one error message. So if you forget to fill out 3 required fields (first name, last name, street) You only get the following message: "Missing Information (First Name: )"
- [OEMPRO-1265] - DISPLAY_LIMIT_NOTICE option in does not work
- [OEMPRO-1271] - Split tests campaigns aren't sent even if tests are finished
- [OEMPRO-1272] - List.Create.Post hook passes incorrect/undefined variable
- [OEMPRO-1274] - When a split campaign is sent, it is not shown under list's rss feed
- [OEMPRO-1281] - Stat detail listing table row background get corrupted
- [OEMPRO-1282] - Can not click on "Display fields" arrow in subscriber browse screen
- [OEMPRO-1288] - None translatable texts
Changed Files List
Changed file list compared to previous version.
- M /app/index.php
- M /wufoo_webhook.php
- M /opt_confirm.php
- M /includes/frontend/controllers/user/controller_subscribers.php
- M /includes/frontend/controllers/user/controller_email.php
- M /includes/frontend/controllers/user/controller_customfields.php
- M /includes/frontend/controllers/user/controller_subscriber.php
- M /includes/frontend/controllers/user/controller_search.php
- M /includes/frontend/controllers/user/controller_list.php
- M /includes/frontend/controllers/user/controller_integration.php
- M /includes/frontend/libraries/ApplicationHeader.php
- M /includes/system_plugins/plugin_user_limit_notifier.php
- M /includes/system_plugins/plugin_subscriber_filter_rule_suppression.php
- M /includes/
- M /includes/cli/
- M /includes/cli/
- M /includes/cli/
- M /includes/cli/
- M /includes/api/
- M /includes/api/
- M /includes/api/
- M /includes/classes/
- M /includes/classes/
- M /includes/classes/
- M /includes/classes/
- M /includes/classes/
- M /includes/classes/
- M /includes/classes/
- M /includes/classes/
- M /includes/classes/phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php
- D /includes/classes/o/sql/subselectquery.php
- M /includes/classes/o/sql/querywithconditions.php
- M /includes/classes/o/sql/conditiongroup.php
- M /includes/classes/o/sql/query.php
- A /includes/classes/o/repeatingcampaignschedule.php
- D /includes/classes/o/integration/result.php
- D /includes/classes/o/integration/interface.php
- A /includes/classes/o/integration/wufoo/result.php
- M /includes/classes/o/integration/wufoo/handshakekey.php
- M /includes/classes/o/integration/wufoo/module.php
- A /includes/classes/o/integration/highrise/connector.php
- A /includes/classes/o/integration/highrise/invalidauthenticationexception.php
- A /includes/classes/o/integration/highrise
- A /includes/classes/o/mapper/highriseintegrationconfig.php
- M /includes/classes/o/mapper/wufoointegration.php
- M /includes/classes/o/mapper/wufoointegrationlog.php
- A /includes/classes/o/domain/highriseintegrationconfig.php
- M /includes/classes/o/databaseconnection.php
- M /data/
- M /unsubscribe.php
- M /templates/weefive/styles/ui.css
- A /templates/weefive/images/highriseico.gif
- M /templates/weefive/languages/en/
- M /templates/weefive/desktop/user/list_settings.php
- M /templates/weefive/desktop/user/integration_wufoo.php
- A /templates/weefive/desktop/user/integration_highrise.php
- M /templates/weefive/desktop/user/campaign_snippet_subscriber_activity_unsubscriptions.php
- M /templates/weefive/desktop/user/subscribers_import.php
- M /templates/weefive/desktop/user/campaign_snippet_subscriber_activity_opens.php
- M /templates/weefive/desktop/user/list_synchronization.php
- M /templates/weefive/desktop/user/subscriber_edit.php
- M /templates/weefive/desktop/user/settings.php
- M /templates/weefive/desktop/user/search.php
- M /templates/weefive/desktop/user/campaign_snippet_subscriber_activity_clicks.php
- M /templates/weefive/desktop/user/integration.php
- M /templates/weefive/desktop/user/subscriber_browse.php
- A /templates/weefive/desktop/user/subscribers_import_highrise.php
- M /templates/weefive/js/screens/user/subscribers.js
- M /templates/weefive/js/screens/user/settings_integration.js
- M /forward_email.php
Language File Changes
Changed language strings compared to previous version.
- $ArrayLanguageStrings['Screen']['1509'] = "%s also included a message for you:\n\n%s";
- $ArrayLanguageStrings['Screen']['1735'] = 'Highrise is the answer to the contact management avalanche. So many people, phone calls, emails, notes, follow-ups, and tasks. Who is this person again? When did we last speak? What did we talk about? When should I follow-up? Highrise tracks all your contacts & leads.';
- $ArrayLanguageStrings['Screen']['1736'] = 'Update Highrise Integration Settings';
- $ArrayLanguageStrings['Screen']['1737'] = 'Integration Status';
- $ArrayLanguageStrings['Screen']['1738'] = 'Highrise integration settings successfully saved';
- $ArrayLanguageStrings['Screen']['1739'] = 'Please check your api key and account sub domain, authentication was not successful.';
- $ArrayLanguageStrings['Screen']['1740'] = 'Please provide your account subdomain and API key';
- $ArrayLanguageStrings['Screen']['1741'] = 'Highrise Contacts';
- $ArrayLanguageStrings['Screen']['1742'] = 'Import your highrise contacts';
- $ArrayLanguageStrings['Screen']['1743'] = 'Contacts';
- $ArrayLanguageStrings['Screen']['1744'] = 'Choose all contacts, a company or a tag to import into your list';
- $ArrayLanguageStrings['Screen']['1745'] = 'Choose Contacts';
- $ArrayLanguageStrings['Screen']['1746'] = 'An error occured while trying to retrieve information from your Highrise account. Please refresh this page and try again. If you get this error again, please check your highrise integration settings';
- $ArrayLanguageStrings['Screen']['1747'] = 'Globally or locally suppressed';
- $ArrayLanguageStrings['Screen']['1748'] = 'Globally suppressed';
- $ArrayLanguageStrings['Screen']['1749'] = 'Locally suppressed';
- $ArrayLanguageStrings['Screen']['1750'] = 'times';
- $ArrayLanguageStrings['Screen']['1751'] = 'No Wufoo integrations yet.';