Octeth Will Be In London From The 2nd To The 5th Of October

FOWA - London Octeth will be attending the Future of Web Applications conference which is being held in London, from the 2nd to the 5th of October. If you are in London and you are interested in meeting the Octeth team, do drop an email at [email protected]. It will be a pleasure for us to meet you.

2 thoughts on “Octeth Will Be In London From The 2nd To The 5th Of October

  1. Hey guys!

    Would firstly like to say thank you for such a great product (oemPro).

    I have stumbled across the blog entry regarding Octeth’s planned attendance at the Future of Web Apps Conference, and am quite interested in coming along myself.

    I’ve had a look at the FOWA website in an attempt to find out pricing for a pass and there seems to be severl pass types offering access to various aspects of the conference/expo, but my question to you, is which pass you would suggest if i wish to see you guys (Octeth).

    In all honesty, i only wish to attent for Octeth, and am trying to work out if the £5.00 expo pass will be sufficient enough to allow me to access the area(s) in which Octeth will be?

    Any advice would be much appreciated.
    Please respond via email to: [email protected].

    Kind regards,

    Anthony Verma.
    Office Club Ltd.

  2. Hello Anthony,

    We will be there for all three days. We have a full pass for the conference/expo.

    We are excited to meet you there. Feel free to get any pass you want. If you believe that conference/expo is not useful for you, we can arrange a time to meet you at any place in London. Me and Mert will be in London from 2nd to 6th October.

    Please contact me via cem[at]octeth[dot]com to schedule the time.

    Take care!

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