Hi Everyone,
I am excited to announce the release oemSMS. For more information about oemSMS and its features, simply visit http://www.octeth.com/products/oempro/plugin_oemsms.php page.
oemSMS is a advanved, easy-to-use SMS marketing plug-in for oemPro which will empower your marketing capabilities.
Some key features are;
- AJAX powered easy-to-use user interface
- Ability to schedule SMS campaigns for a future date
- Ability to send SMS messages with unicode encoding
- Concatanated SMS messages
- Ability to preview your SMS message through your cellular phone before sending it
- Ability to add unlimited recipient mail lists with different mapped custom fields
- Automatic phone number formatting during SMS campaign sending
- Customizable sender ID (both numeric and alphanumeric)
- Ability to pause/resume and resend a SMS campaign
- Real-time sending statistics powered by AJAX technology
- Unlimited SMS account settings for each user (or global by super administrator)
- Different privilege control mechanism for each user
- Ability to define specific from and scheduling privileges
- Ability to define quota for each user (hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly)
- Real-time quota calculation and statistics
- Flexible SMS gateway API (Currently Clickatell.com, SMSGui.com and Yakoon.com)
- Additional SMS gateway APIs can be integrated upon request or by the end user
- and more…