Wridea is good for creative and busy minds. It keeps your ideas categorized and organized. Frees your mind and makes spaces for new thoughts.
I am, for an example, bombarded with new ideas and concepts every unexpected moment and as a creative person I shouldn’t forget those things. I need them both in my personal and business life anytime. It won’t be a good feeling when you stuck with nothing in your mind but remember that you had an idea related.
Good old friend papers are good choices too but let’s face it, I don’t have my notes on paper most of the time with me when I need them. I hear you are saying, then don’t forget, keep them with you all the time, but as I have said I have a mind working like an unstoppable machine, without a brake pedal. As a matter of fact, Wridea is born with this in mind. I needed a place where I can store my ideas and concepts, also can reach it from anywhere (Wridea Mobile will be available soon).
Here is how I use Wridea for my creative side. In the screenshot below, you can see my categories (highlighted) related to creativity with their own separate color.
Addition to those categories, I have created a new page for keeping my creativity related thoughts and ideas separate from other things.
When I view the Creativity page on my Account, I can see all my ideas, concepts and thoughts with colored backgrounds telling me which category they belong to. With this way, seeing all of them in one place, I can easily brainstorm new ideas or use them in any project, without of worry to forget them.
This is only one way of using Wridea. You can manage your projects, to-do lists, shopping lists or even you can manage your getting things done list.
Give it a try, http://www.wridea.com/
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