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Working with Google Analytics

This topic is dedicated for google analytics integration. It is important for any marketer to understand and analyze the traffic generated from their email marketing campaigns.

Google Analytics can be enabled easily at the time of the campaign creation. To enable google analytics follow the steps below.

  • Go to "Campaigns"
  • Click on the "Create new campaigns"
  • At the bottom of the campaign settings screen you will find google analytics options

Google Analytics

  • In order to enable it just tick the "Enable google analytics integration" option.
  • This will open a dialogue allowing you to add the domain names you want to track.

Google Analytics

  • You can set unlimited amount of domain names to track through google analytics, make sure that you separate the domain names with a new line.

Please note that the domain names you are going to add should be without http:// or https://

That is it - Oempro will add necessary variables and information to the links within your email content and in turn that will allow you to track the incoming traffic within your Google Analytics dashboard.