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Sending your first campaign

In this chapter we will learn how to send your first campaign. Oempro provides several methods to create new campaigns - for this chapter we will use the template method to create a new campaign.

Please note that all the other methods of creating and sending new campaigns are covered under the Advanced Campaign Management

There are two ways in which anyone can start creating a new campaign irrespective of the method they use. You can use Campaigns tab or if you are on the Dashboard you can click on the Create New Campaign link under the Quick Links.

  • click on the "Campaigns" tab
  • click on the "Create New campaign" under the campaign browser

Sending your first campaign

If you look at the campaign browser screenshot above you will realize that it gives you the ability to browse through the campaigns within your account. You will also be able to track all the campaigns which are sent, are in outbox, are being created and in draft mode, are scheduled, are paused and are pending approval.

You can manage tags which can allow you to categorize your campaigns.

Sending your first campaign

Campaign Settings

Campaign Name
Enter the name of your campaign
Select the mailing list or a segment for your campaign. You can select single or multiple lists of segments.
Apply A/B Split Testing

By applying A/B split testing you can test different versions of your campaign settings or content. You can set the test size, duration and how to determine the winner.

This helps you optimize your campaign in a better manner.

Publish this campaign to RSS Feed
When you check this box, your subscribers will be able to see this campaign in their list's rss feeds.
Google Analytics Integration

Oempro integrates seamlessly with the Google Analytics web service to help you track recipient activities on your website coming from your campaign.

We will learn about this feature in details in a separate topic - click here for detailed information.

  • When you are done populating these fields hit the "Create Campaign and Edit Campaign Email".
  • This will bring up the create new campaign selection screen.

Sending your first campaign

  • Click on the second option "Template Gallery" - this will take you to the step 1 of the campaign email.

Sending your first campaign

Campaign Email Creation Step 1

Enter the name which will be used for the from field of your campaign email
Email address
enter the email address which will be used for the from email field of your campaign email.
Reply to Information
You can use the same reply to information defined the name and email address fields above or use the new one by un-checking the option and entering the different reply-to information
  • Click on the "Next" button to go to the Template Gallery and choose the template

Sending your first campaign

  • Now select the template and click "Next" to go to the content editor

Sending your first campaign

Campaign Email Creation Step 3 / Content

Embed images to email content
You can tick this option if you wish to embed the images within your campaign, although this can increase the size of the email if there are many images within the email content.
Content Type
Select the content type - whether you are going to send an HTML email or Text. You can also send a multi-part email which will carry HTML as well TEXT based content and render it at the end-users end according to their email reader.
Define the subject line for your campaign email.
You can attach one or more files to the campaign email you are going to send.
  • Now Click on the "Open Email Content Builder" and customize your newsletter content

Sending your first campaign

The above email content builder will help you add your own content within the available editable regions. Oempro has an advanced template engine which allows you to easily edit your content within the pre-defined campaign template. In order to edit the content you just have to place your mouse on the content box and click your left mouse key once - if the area is editable it will give you the "Edit" menu as shown in the below screenshot.

Sending your first campaign

In the above screenshot we can see "Edit" as well "Duplicate" - this means the region we clicked on can be edited with custom content and you can also duplicate the block of text as well.

When you click the edit button it will give you the editor which can be seen in the below screen shot.

Sending your first campaign

If you take a look at the screenshot you will see that the Good News title can be edited in the shown box. You can change it to anything you wish.

Similarly there are editable regions which can also accept the html content, the above editable region is a text only region.

Once your content is populated you can simply hit the "Save" button and save the content and get out of the content editing screen. Now click on the "Next" button found on the campaign email creation wizard to go to the final "Review" of your campaign email.

Sending your first campaign

The last step of campaign email creation is the preview of your campaign's content. You can verify how does it look by sending an email to a designated email address or on your browser.

The review screen will also give you the details of the content analysis and spam testing.

Once you verify the preview and satisfied with the campaign email content click on the "Next" button to go to the campaign scheduling screen.

Sending your first campaign

  • Use the drop down menu "send" to schedule the campaign
  • There are four scheduling options available for every campaign
    (1) Now
    If this option is selected the campaign will start sending immediately.
    (2) On given date and time
    if you select this option then you will have to set the date and time for the campaign to start sending emails to your mailing lists.
    (3) Repeatedly
    If this option is selected you will be allowed to set the time and date along with the repeat frequency of your campaign.
    (4) Never
    If this option is selected then the campaign will be saved under the drafts folder and will never start.