Oempro v4.6.2 is released

Four amazing updates for our customers this week. The first one of them is the release of Oempro v4.6.2.

This release includes some special improvements on plugin engine, performance improvements and various bug fixes.

The change log for v4.6.2 can be found here:
Oempro v4.6.2 Version Change Log

12 thoughts on “Oempro v4.6.2 is released

    1. Hello ,
      What I mean is there is a guide to setup / handling bounces and complaints from Amazon SES , I just signup with them and I noticed they should have an amazon SNS topic & subscription to forward bounce & complaint emails

      I only need to know where and how they should be addressed
      It would be very helpful if you have an help doc page

      PS: I don’t have a chance to try the latest version which is including amazon ses integration, but I believe its only add the abilty to enter our amazon ses credential for sending not to handling forward bouncing ?

    2. Hi Octa,

      The webhook processing for SES and Mailgun is not available at the moment. Therefore, you can not set your Oempro to process incoming data from SES for now. We will be adding this future in coming updates.

  1. Some important tips when upgrading I bumped into……

    1. Make sure you backup db+files before upgrading

    2. Make sure you’ve installed the latest ioncube-loader, else probably a white screen will appear after upgrading, leaving you clueless.

    3. If you’re upgrading from 4.5.3 the integrated updater assumes that the main dir “oempro” exists. If not it creates that dir which results in no-update after all.

    4. While upgrading make sure to stay logged in as super admin, else it’s possible you cannot login anymore after the upgrade. After the upgrade set your password in the admin-tool again to make sure. (Maybe it has to do with converting the DB tables to innodb/utf-8).

    1. Hi Ruben, thanks for your notes. Yes, backup process is highly recommended as we already mention it in our upgrade manual:


      And yes, you need to have the latest ioncube loader, we have been forced to use the latest ioncube loader due to the most recent PHP versions.

      Until v4.6, there used to be an auto-upgrade utility. I guess you tried to upgrade with the auto-upgrade tool which was problematic. We removed this tool in v4.6 and we guide our customers to upgrade by following these steps:


      And in v4.6.0 release, we improved the password algorithm to improve the security. You will need to reset your password on the login screen (both admin and user login screens).


  2. Hi Octeth team
    Thanks For clarify the SES stuff,

    @Ruben, We’re having the login problems too, and it happen because of the salted password algorithm being implemented on v4.6 and above

    But no worries, Octeth team currently developing a script that will solving this issue and will be release in upcoming update

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