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  1. Email Delivery
  2. Load Balancing
  3. Bounces
  4. Spam Complaint Monitoring
  5. Headers

Email Delivery Setup

This is the most critical setup for your Oempro to function properly for sending emails and campaigns.

There are five tabs - these tabs will help you setup your delivery methods, load balancing, bounce setup, spam complaint handling and headers.

Email Delivery

X-Mailer Header [required field]
You can define sender identifier which can include this header on all the outgoing messages. Example: My Email Service
Centralized Sender Domain
This is for those who wish to have all the email campaigns to be sent with an email address from your domain - just enter the domain name (ex: If you do not want to do this leave the field empty. If you enable this feature your users will not need to set SPF/SenderID or DKIM/DomainKeys authentications on their domains, all the authentication checks will be done for the domain name you define. However, if you enable this option all the recipients will see the from address and "on behalf of"
Delivery Method
Here you can define the delivery method - there are several methods which can be selected from the drop down. 1. SMTP Connection
If enabled you will have to set several other options and fill in the hostname, smtp port, security, connection timeout and authentication credentials. 1. SMTP.Com (
Octeth also runs an SMTP service in partnership with - you can create your account by signing up with the server at 1.
SendGrid provides reliable delivery and scalability for your email delivery needs - you can create your account by signing up through 1. Local MTA
You can enter the local MTA such as qmail,postfix, sendmail's queue path. Please be aware that the website user has full permission to read and write into your MTA's queue directory. 1. PHP mail() function
You can use the standard PHP's mail() function as an email delivery method. 1. PowerMTA
PowerMTA is an enterprise grade Mail Transfer Agent - Oempro provides the ability to define the Virtual MTA Name and Pick-up Directory which is configured for your PowerMTA configuration file. 1. Save to Directory
This will help you save all the emails generated to a directory which can either be a normal directory or a directory where your mail queue is saved. Ex: /var/www/vhosts/

Once you are done configuring the delivery settings you can use the "Test Email Delivery Settings" button to test this out. Oempro will send test emails to the email address defined in your account information section.

Load Balancing

Oempro offers an easy way to configure load balancing feature to reduce the sudden spikes due to heavy email campaign sending. If this option is enabled your email sending will create intervals after every defined number of emails.

Load Balancing
Use the drop down menu to enable and disable this option. If you enable it there are two more fields which you have to fill up Emails per Interval:
Define the number of emails sent per interval.
Ex: 1000 Time to wait
Define the time in seconds to wait between every interval.


This is the critical setup and must be done correctly so that whenever the campaign emails are bounced back they are processed and added to the bounced database.

We have a dedicated topic which covers the setup of bounce handling - please refer to Bounce Handling

Spam Complaint Monitoring

We have a dedicated topic which covers the setup of spam complaint monitoring - please refer to Spam Complaint Monitoring


This option allows you to configure custom email headers which can help your MTA to categorize them and prioritize easily.

You can add "X-" or any other prefix which you can identify easily Email Type
You can apply this for "All Emails", "Campaign Emails", "Auto Responder Emails" or "Transactional Emails" Value
Here you can enter a pre-defined value such as userid, users email id, users group id. This field will accept the personalization tag for userid, users email, and users group id.